
9月30日A.A. Lubrecht 教授学术报告(机电工程学院)


报告人:A.A. Lubrecht 教授

报告题目:High Performance Computing  


报告地点:泉山校区12# 6楼报告厅



A.A. Lubrecht 教授于1987年6月毕业于荷兰屯特(Twente)大学,获博士学位,1987-1988,在以色列魏茨曼科学研究所读博士后,1993年起以全职教授身份在欧洲著名摩擦学研究机构-法国里昂国立应用科学学院机械接触与结构实验室(LaMCoS INSA/CNRS UMR 5259)工作。他是将多重网格方法(一种高性能数值算法)引入流体润滑领域的第一人,曾或现任多家国际摩擦学杂志副主编(如wear、Tribology International、 ASME Journal of Tribology),在国际摩擦学界具有重要影响。发表国际杂志论文250多篇,引用次数超6000次;出版的书籍《Multilevel Method in Lubrication》是摩擦润滑领域内的一部著作。


Advanced problems in Mechanical Engineering and Physics require numerical solutions, as analytical solutions can no longer be found.

With these problems becoming more and more complex, the number of unknowns or the number of degrees of freedom is quickly

approaching 10^9 to 10^10.

The current talk will describe two ways of limiting the computing time for these large problems on medium cost computers

(say 10 k$).

The first way deals with Advance Numerical Methods, in this case MultiGrid. MultiGrid allows the user to solve large and complex problems very rapidly and efficiently.

The second way deals with dedicated hardware, since two decades Graphical Processing Units (GPU) have shown amazing

price/performance characteristics. Engineers can to use the GPU power to solve huge problems in three different ways:

- Libraries exploiting GPU exist for many codes (ABAQUS, ANSYS, AUTOCAD, CATIA, FLUENT, MATLAB, .....)

- Open Acces Code

- Programming Languages (CUDA)

With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), running on (NVIDIA) GPU's the development of new and more powerfull GPU's

has seen an acceleration, the spread of AI provides a big market for these GPU's, keeping prices down.

Engineers can benefit from these development to solve very large problems, by using one or BOTH tools (software & hardware).