
6月21-22日 陈文雄教授学术报告(数学与统计学院)


报 告 人:陈文雄 教授

报告题目:Thefractionalp-Laplacian (一)


报告题目:Thefractionalp-Laplacian (二)


报告题目:Thefractionalp-Laplacian (三)

报告时间:2018年6月22日(周五)下午 2:30-5:00




陈文雄,美国纽约Yeshiva 大学终身教授,数学系主任,国际知名的数学家。曾多次获得美国国家科学基金奖。担任Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods&Applications 及 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 两个SCI 数学杂志的编辑。研究方向为非线性偏微分方程,目前以分数阶Laplace 方程为主。

他曾先后在如下的SCI一区数学期刊上发表3篇论文:Annals of Mathematics: 1 篇,Communications of Pure and Applied Mathematics: 2 篇。

根据 GoogleScholar,他在1991年Duke Math. J.上发表的名为Classification of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations 一篇被引高达750次以上。在2006年CPAM 上发表的名为Classification for the solutions of integral equations 一篇被引高达400 次以上。

近年来,他在Advances in Mathematics 发表的文章中有三篇被列为高被引(Highly Cited).出版专著《Methods on Nonlinear Elliptic Equations》一本。即将出版另一本专著《The Fractional Laplacian》。


The fractional p-Laplacian is a fully nonlinear non-local pseudo-dierential operator defined by a singular integral. It is quite different from the traditional (local) dierential operators.

In this series of talks, we will use simple examples to illustrate the essential dierences between the local and nonlocal operators, such as the boundary regularities and Poisson representations. We will show how to construct a super solution to obtain Holder regularity of the solutions on the boundary; we will also show how to construct a sub-solution to prove a Hopf type lemma.

We will use the method of moving planes to prove the radial symmetry of positive solutions for semi-linear equations involving the fractional p-Laplacians. This approach is quite dierent from the one we introduced a couple of years ago for the fractional Laplacian.