
11月17日 苏育才教授学术报告(数统学院)


报 告 人:苏育才

报告题目:Highest Weight Vectors of Mixed Tensor Products of General Linear Lie Superalgebras





苏育才教授是同济大学数学系特聘教授、二级教授、博士生导师、数学研究所所长,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。国家杰出青年基金获得者、中国科学院“百人计划”入选者、教育部“跨世纪优秀人才”入选者、上海市优秀学术带头人、安徽省自然科学二等奖获得者(第一位)、上海市科技进步三等奖获得者(第一位)。主要研究方向:李理论。研究经历:1978.9-1982.7厦门大学数学系获学士学位,1982.9-1985.7该系获硕士学位,1986.9-1989.2中国科学院系统所获博士学位。获包玉刚奖学金先后在英国伦敦大学玛丽皇后学院(1990.9-1991.8)、加拿大Concordia大学(1991.9-1993.12)和魁北克大学(1994.1-1997.12)、美国哈佛大学(2002.9-2003.8)、澳大利亚悉尼大学(2003.9-2004.8和2009.9-2010.1)访问和从事博士后研究10年。现为国际SCI杂志《Algebra Colloquium》责任编委和编委、国际杂志《Journal of Algebra and Applications》编委、全国核心期刊《数学学报》编委。现主持国家自然科学重点项目。


A notion of cyclotomic (or level $k$) walled Brauer algebras ${\mathcal B}_{k,r,t}$ is present for arbitrary positive integer $k$. It is proven that ${\mathcal B}_{k,r,t}$ is free over a commutative ring with rank $k^{r+t}(r+t)!$ if and only if it is admissible in some sense. Using super Schur-Weyl duality between general linear Lie superalgebras ${\frak{gl}}_{m|n}$ and ${\mathcal B}_{2,r,t}$, we give a classification of highest weight vectors of ${\frak{gl}}_{m|n}$-modules $M^{rt}_{pq}$, the tensor products of Kac-modules with mixed tensor products of the natural module and its dual. This enables us to establish an explicit relationship between ${\frak{gl}}_{m|n}$-Kac-modules and right cell (or standard) ${\mathcal B}_{2,r,t}$-modules over $\mathbb C$. Further, we find an explicit relationship between indecomposable tilting ${\frak{gl}}_{m|n}$-modules appearing in $M^{rt}_{pq}$, and principal indecomposable right ${\mathcal B}_{2,r,t}$-modules via the notion of Kleshchev bipartitions. As an application, decomposition numbers of ${\mathcal B}_{2,r,t}$ arising from super Schur-Weyl duality are determined. This is a joint work with Hebing Rui.